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2024-04-30 12:10:06

Daily Inspiration: "The best way to find creative solutions to your real-world problems is to listen to the wisdom of those who have already found them!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
You know you've been a real road-warrior speaker when you check into your Hilton hotel in San Jose and get a feeling that you've been here before! You look back in your email, and realize that it was once a Fairmont hotel and that you spoke in this exact hotel at an event in 2006!
I look…
2024-03-30 11:00:01

Primer to get you started with Optimization and Mathematical Programming in R #rstats
2024-03-29 13:48:11

This article by a former OpenAI employee makes a powerful case that AI exploits the same clever game design that can make Furbies, dinosaurs, and even triangles seem sentient. It's not about modeling a brain's complexity; simpler systems can ironically feel more intelligent.

Quote: "[Xbox creator Seamus] Blackley, who is an amateur pilot, had had an epiphany while working on Flight Unlimited, a top-selling flight simulator: the point of a flight simulator, he’d discovered, wasn’t to simulate an airplane but to give players the feeling of flying one" —The Lifelike Illusions of A.I.
2024-02-29 16:42:10

“A sign of the scale of #’Twitter’s bot problem is the thriving #botindustry. Bot makers from around the world advertise their services on freelancer websites.
A computer scientist in Pakistan, sells "ChatGPT Twitter bots" for $30 to $500, depending on complexity.
In an interview with the ABC …he said could make a "fully fledged" bot that could "like comments o…
2024-02-29 16:53:55

Sounds great over there!
P.S. Twitter is NOT the “Internet” fgs….
#TwitterEnding #Twitter #Mastodon
2024-02-28 16:33:34

When you set your paperclip optimizers to optimize for "engagement," this is the obvious, inevitable result.
2024-03-28 02:25:55

GLAAD: Meta is failing to curb posts that call for violence against trans people and describe trans and gender nonconforming people as "satanic" and more (Taylor Lorenz/Washington Post)
2024-04-29 08:31:23

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-04-29 07:30:48

Counterexamples to generalizations of the Erd\H{o}s $B B t$ problem
Ethan Ackelsberg arxiv.o…
2024-03-27 13:51:42

Pensioenfondsen willen flink investeren in energietransitie, maar: ‘Wij zijn geen pinautomaat’ | de #Volkskrant